Microsoft Power BI

Display critical analytics and business intelligence from multiple sources through the intuitive Power BI dashboard.
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Compile, create and share lucid data visualisations with anyone, anywhere.
Quickly and effectively collate, review, design and share data to meet business compliance and regulation needs. Power BI helps organisations to uncover and distribute critical insights with hundreds of data representation models, fixed AI functionality, seamless Excel integration and the option to use preexisting or customised data connectors.

Unlock powerful analytics and business intelligence using the latest AI-tech platform, Power BI

Combine self-service & enterprise analytics

Get access to robust semantic models, an open connectivity framework, an application lifecycle management toolkit and fixed-layout paginated reports.

Utilise the latest AI-tech

Use Microsoft AI to easily collate data, create machine learning models and extract insights from all types of data formations.

Create action from insights

Make data-driven decisions, build custom applications and automate critical workflows using the Microsoft Power Platform.

We can support your team with Power BI training and installation to ensure everything is set up for optimal function and performance.

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